My husband (partner) is my left hand and my doula is my right. – Doulas Making a Difference
Jessie working to bring Indy earth side, with the help and support of Shane, her partner, and myself. Picture by
A doula is for the kind of mom who births at home, in a birth center or in a hospital. For the kind of mom who wants no drugs, all the drugs, or waits to see. For the kind of mom who has a supportive partner, clueless partner or no partner. For the kind of mom who feeds her baby from the breast or from the bottle. A doula is for the kind of mom that deserves respect, support, assistance, encouragement and peace on the day of her baby's birth.
My aim is to provide you with the tools to self-advocate during pregnancy and labor, be present with an objective & unbiased viewpoint, assist you in making empowered decisions based on reliable, evidence-based facts, ensure your choices and experiences are honored, and help validate your choices and pregnancy outcome, on your terms. I will accompany you in labor, providing emotional support, physical comfort, and if necessary, communicate with the medical staff present to make sure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions.
Photos by Paige Wilks
Art by Ododua